76 тысяч подписчиков
326 видео
Fighting fire with fire - Genshin Impact
Fontaines hardest trial question #genshinimpact
Youre not addicted to Genshin!
Biggest Genshin Flex?
3 Years of Genshin Experience vs 3 Million HP boss
AR 58s Abyss problem
Yoimiya always gets the worst weapon banners
Beating the whale before it eats you!
Working together in a competitive Genshin event
Genshin reminder for your fingers
I should do Rule34 Art?
Mom reacts to ALL Genshin Impact characters!
Beating every boss with Yoimiya, even pyro cube
We all do these Genshin Co-op things
Genshin and Starrail Character Have Matching....
Genshin needs an Event Weapon Shop!
Kazuha ascending towards Tomo
Community Genshin Account Update!
Gordon Ramsay 3 Star Genshin Character?
Worst Genshin Commission!
The average Genshin player is older??
Genshin already has leaked Snezhnaya and Celestia models???
How to get Mora without resin
The language every Genshin player knows
Kaveh is deleting Genshin files permanently!
Didn't know this Genshin Impact Material Was Useful
Genshin canon event
Types of Genshin Players (2)
How Genshin Creators React to Drip Marketing
They created the worst genshin banner ever?
What if you could refund Genshin characters?
Fastest way to level Genshin Weapons
Never roll for 4 star weapons
How many days since last geo character?
Would this be a popular banner?
Who is your #1 Genshin man?
Actual Rolling in Genshin Impact
I thought Genshin was being TOO RELATABLE for a minute...
Genshin kids need to be stopped
Navia's sunglasses spoiled the Fontaine Archon Quest
We NEED 1 more Short Character!
Albedo's Constellation showed this?
Ella Musk VS Timmie
Kaveh's Deleting UPDATE: Hoyo's statement
Fontaine Chimeras?
When A Qiqi Main Builds Other Characters
This is the best artifact I've ever seen!
Raiden's one weakness!
I tried playing Genshin... with permadeath! (Genshin Impact Nuzlocke F2P Challenge)