252 тысяч подписчиков
3 тысяч видео
Porting Debian to the RISC-V architecture Tales from a long quest
An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installation
Distributing DevOps tools using GoLang and Containers, for Fun and Profit!
Why is Django 3.0 a revolution for building websites with Python? From WSGI to ASGI and why it matt…
Introducing BuildStream A distribution agnostic build tool
Using BigBench to compare Hive and Spark versions and features BigBench in Hive and Spark
Compliance management with OpenSCAP and Ansible Using OpenSCAP and Ansible for compliance managemen…
Apache Etch: Efficient and feature-rich network services
Introducing OpenTAP - Open Test Automation Project A developer-first extensible test and measuremen…
Rumble in the Java Jungle
Linux Kernel Library A Library Version of Linux Kernel
Video Analysis using CUDA and OpenCV Detecting scene changes in videos using CUDA and OpenCV
OpenBeans IDE - Creating an Apache NetBeans Distribution
gRPC, Protobufs and Go... OH MY! An introduction to building client/server systems with gRPC
Git database with bitmap index
Designing functional objects with functional objects OpenSCAD: Past, present and/or future
How to write pylint plugins
Dissecting the inline keyword in Kotlin A deep-dive into the internal working of the inline keyword
HOMER 7 Introducing the latest HOMER 7
Fractalide and Cantor A Racket application built with Flow-Based Programming
Hyper-converged, persistent storage for containers with GlusterFS
Language Server Protocol & Debug Adapter Protocol to the Rescue of Web Development in Eclipse IDE
PostgreSQL vs. fsync How is it possible that PostgreSQL used fsync incorrectly for 20 years, and wh…
BSD from scratch - from source to OS with ease on NetBSD
Writing Go(od) Tests Writing good tests in golang
openwifi Opensource "Wi-Fi chip design" and Linux driver
Improving BIND 9 Code Quality Why is concurrent programming so hard?
Differentiated access control to graph data Applied to TinkerPop-compatible graph databases
Demonstration of the Sculpt Operating System
From Swagger to Kotlin via Gradle Generating your network code has never been so easy
GlusterD-2.0 The next generation of GlusterFS management
Rendering QML to make videos in Kdenlive How QML, a language prominently used for designing UI, is …
Beyond string-based logging Structured logging with Serilog
Add enterprise 2FA to your ownCloud in 15 minutes
Knocking Down the Nest secushareBOX - p2p & encrypted IoT and beyond...
Designing a DSL with Kotlin
golang, practical Go Programming
Demystifying Coroutines and Asynchronous Programming in Python
Buildroot for RISC-V Using Buildroot to create embedded Linux systems for 64-bit RISC-V
NetBSD - A modern operating system for your retro battlestation
Hacking midi devices with StepPy a step sequencer in Python
ONLYOFFICE: How to securely collaborate on documents within content management applications
ARM64 + FPGA and more: Linux on the Xilinx ZynqMP Opportunities and challenges from a powerful and …
Sysadmins, too, deserve interface stability Designing a stable interface to abstract OS configurati…
An overview of PostgreSQL's backup, archiving and replication
repcloud A repacker for PostgreSQL in cloud
Forth - The New Synthesis Growing Forth with preForth and seedForth
Text Markup to PDF with Python
Debugging and tracing a production RabbitMQ node
LuaJIT for AArch64 and MIPS64 platforms Improvements and the status