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1 тысяч видео
Jupyter-Lab on Linux Red hat Enterprise and Windows Operating Systems
Python: How to create empty {} dictionary, populate with key pair values & print the keys and values
The SysAdmin Tasks on (rpm,yum,dnf & subscription-manager)
LINUX/UNIX Use ‘top or htop’ To Monitor System Resources and Processes #shorts
Python (Jupyter Lab) How To Get System Information and Resources Detail #shorts
Using ‘ruby’ Interpreter to Run a Ruby Script #shorts
Python Use f-string function to formate nicely the list elements and their indices inside a for loop
LINUX Simple Shell Script to Run in Debug Mode (set -x) 📚
Use The UNIX LINUX alias Command?
Visited CCNY After 33 Years Brought Great Memories!
The ‘hostname’ command works on (Windows, Mac/UNIX, and Linux)
Watch the full video to learn Linux automation generating 6K plus PDF files and one HTML index file
Visit this URL and learn Windows Command Line (PDF Files)
Python NumPy Module: Use np.lookfor(‘keyword’) to query for a specific keyword in the doc
Use ‘pip install numpy’ and then, ‘import numpy as np’ and then … #shorts
Linux ‘awk’ command and options to display different fields in a file or the entire contents
Use ‘pip install gtts’ to install google text to speech Python Library
Learn from PDF on LINUX Commands, Docker, Curl, Wget, Python3, GCC, and much much more
Linux Two (exec.sh and manual.sh )GUI BASH and Zenity templated like Scripts
Export/Import OVA Files(Oracle Virtual Appliance) on VirtualBox
LINUX: Grant ‘sudo’ access to a G.O.A.T
Python Class and Objects
BASH Tutorial (LINUX UBUTNU Crash Course)
Build Apache2 from Source (as, ld, gcc, configure, make, with RTM: apr, apr-util, apr-iconv, pcre)
The Linux /proc FS and the /proc/meminfo for Memory Information
Linux Commands To For Mount Points, File System Table, System Partitions Table, lsblk, and Disk Free
Python/Jupyter-Lab Execute OS Commands (Windows, Linux/Unix) #shorts
The UNIX/LINUX banner command
What does the ‘paste’ command in UINX & LINUX do?
Windows Command Interpreter and Python #shorts
Python YouTube Automated Thumbnails For All The Images On The Entire Directory
Python OOP: The class Players(), __init__(), instance method and attributes, objects instantiating
Windows Task Manager vs Linux top vs Linux htop
Enterprise Linux Rocky Version 9 (VM)
Windows and Linux Multi-Tasking Functionality
The NumPy copy() method and converting an array back to list examples
Python SQLite DB and MySQL Database
Generate Dynamic PDF from LINUX Manuals 📚
ChatGPT Bot Searching for ‘Python fpdf’
The whatis On 28 Linux Basic Level Commands
Watch it at: YouTube.com/@MyWebUniversity OrPractice it Online at: http://www.MyWebUniversity.con
Learn Linux Advanced Level Chapter 4 Eight Videos at YouTube.com/@MyWebUniversity
How To (Identify Current Shell and Change Shells)
Use ‘import numpy as np’ to load the NumPy Module ( Intro to NumPy Tutorial 1 )
UNIX/LINUX Top 100 Commands and Some Useful Scripts
Python: Using a for loop how to iterate on a dictionary keys and values using keys(), and values()
UNIX/LINUX SHELL ‘cut, env, grep ‘ command with examples
Linux Manual Pages to PostScript and to PDF Format
Free Educational Videos and Technical Docs online YouTube.com/@MyWebUniversity
Use ‘ sudo apt install tcsh’ For Debian Dist ribution to Install CSH and TCSH