281 тысяч подписчиков
68 видео
We Need the Needle | A History of Pithing Needle
Tawnos' Song
The Magic Art of Raymond Swanland
Framing 25 Years of Magic | A History of Magic Card Frames
Games Within Games | A History of "Forgetful Fish"
The Psychopomp | A Meditation on Athreos
The Blind Eternities | A Void Between Planes
"Failed to Find" | The Tricky Rule of Searching Libraries
Odric's Tragedy | The Greek Hero's Downfall
The Great Wave off Dominaria | The Story of a Timeless Woodblock Print
The Misbegotten Mascot | A History of Hurloon Minotaur
The Old Kamigawa | Japanese Traditions and Customs in Magic
The Shape of a Format | A Data-Driven Retrospective of Dominaria United
The Glimmer | 25 Years of Foil Magic Cards
Dear Gonti, Love Sophie | The Story of a Priceless Commander Deck
Memories of the Masters | A Retrospective on Reprints
Summer of the Gaak | The Story of Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
The Orb | A History of Magic's Old School Icon
The King | A History of Tarmogoyf
100 Proof | Miniature Paintings on Magic Cards
Phyrexia is Hell | A 30-Year History of Magic's Most Sinister Villains
Understanding Sagas | How Magic Art Depicts In-World Histories
There Are Skeletons Within Us
The Red Temperance
Magic's Best Worst Card
The Zugzwang Machine | A History of Lantern Control
The Lies of New Capenna | On Mafia and The American Dream
The Horror of Innistrad | Dissecting Gothic, Cosmic, and Cinematic Terror
Limits of a [CARDNAME] | The Story of Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar