6 тысяч подписчиков
183 видео
Quiz Episode-5 | For IT Students [Entrance Preparation]
TensorFlow tutorial | Create neural network with TensorFlow | Predict the model
File Handling and Input/Output Streams | Python course
Java Program to read data from one file and write to another file | Java most important question
Proxy server | uses of proxy server | Open, forward and reverse proxy server | Internet Technology
Blob data type - Read/Write audio/video with Mysql | Java tutorial | Insert/download from database
LSTM and GRU | Long short-term memory and Gated Recurrent Unit
Face Recognition System complete project in Nepali| GUI Face Detection/Recognition | Python Project
Multiple page Tkinter window with login form to redirect to next page | How to add images in frames
[Solved] Failed to execute Script | How to convert Python file to .exe file | 3 ways to solve errors
How to convert python project (e.g. Face Recognition System) into .exe file and also into setup file
GUI face recognizer | Face recognition complete project [Part 4] | Python project | Tkinter
Kernel Security Check failure | Your PC ran into a problem and need to restart | How to solve this?
Word2Vec | Word embedding technique | Skip-gram and CBOW | Finding similar words with Word2Vec model
[Solved] Failed to execute script and some other errors | Files include audio, images and database
Specialization and generalization in dbms with example | Disjoint vs overlapping | ADBMS notes
Project 3: Question Answering using BERT | Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers
Make Typing Speed App using Python | Complete project with source code | Tkinter - GUI Toolkit
Hacker News Application with Angular | Complete project with angular with SOURCE CODE AVAILABLE!!
How to create mobile application using Python | Create Android application with kivy and buildozer
How to set up python, jupyter notebook and how to print in python
Pandas in one video | Pandas complete tutorial | Machine learning and data science | PYTHON
Exception Handling: Dealing with Errors | Python course
Python Project: Note Application | Create, View and Delete Notes | Python course
Socket programming in java | How to communicate two programs in a network using TCP Socket✅🔌
Handwritten digit recognition using OpenCV and Tkinter Canvas | Python project | GUI in python
Tricks with cmd prompt everybody should know
Project 2: Next word prediction using LSTM | Complete project with source code
Embedding Layer | Word Embedding Technique | Feature Extraction vs Word Embedding
How can we connect python with mysql database | Python tutorial | Connect to the database
Proxy Authentication Mechanism | How can we configure Squid Basic Authentication method
Write an object oriented program to find area and perimeter of rectangle | Area of circle | Java
Basic Input and Output operations | Python tutorial
How can we convert captured images into editable text | Both for Mobile and Laptop users
Modules and Packages in Python | Create your own module and packages | Python course
Web Scraping/Crawling with Selenium | Automate Task with Bot | Python tutorial
Learn Tkinter in just 30 min | Graphical user interface toolkit | Make interactive form in python
Conditional Statements: If, Else and Elif | Indentation in Python
HubSpot: API Integration | Private Apps | Get, Post, Patch, Delete | HubSpot Complete Documentation
Quiz Application using Kivy | Python framework | Complete Project with source code
How to make and add Intro and Outro to our YouTube videos | Add video and subscriber to Outro 🔥
Web crawling with Selenium and Python | Crawl website and perform an action on it
GUI handwritten digit recognition | Converting project into GUI | Python project
Learn php in one video | php complete tutorial in Nepali | Php Form | Connect to database in php
Challenge 2 | Unit Test for Error handling | Convert to uppercase and lowercase character.
GUI Programming with Tkinter | Create dynamic Calculator Application | Python course
Master Python from Basics to Project in One Video in Nepali Language | Python All in One 🔥🔥
Loops: For and While | Python course
Dictionaries and Sets | Python Course
OOP concept in Python | Clear Explanation | Python course
Python programming language | Learn more topics in less time easily with note and code