86 тысяч подписчиков
321 видео
Essence of Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
Your customers dont care about JS
Web-Queue-Worker Architecture Style for Scaling
Vertical Slice Architecture isnt technical
Write Stable Code using Coupling Metrics
Handling HTTP API Errors with Problem Details
BEYOND Status Codes! Better REST HTTP API Error Responses
Where should you use gRPC? And where NOT to use it!
Focusing on Entities leads nowhere good.
Conditional Statements
What is Software Architecture?
Design Patterns to survive major outages
Your Domain Model isnt your Data Model
Organize Code by Feature | Vertical Slices
Do you really need that abstraction or generic code? (YAGNI)
Clean Architecture and indirection. No thanks.
Practical ASP.NET Core SignalR | Server | Authorization
Event Driven Architecture for Real-Time Web
JetBrains Rider: Past, Present & Future with Maarten Balliauw
How to (and how not to) design REST APIs
Enums aren't evil. Conditionals everywhere are
Troubleshooting Kafka with 2000 Microservices | Event Driven
Should you publish Domain Events or Integration Events?
Launching Multiple Projects in JetBrains Rider
Event Driven Architecture in the Real World! 4 Practical Examples
Never rewrite code?
Avoiding Legacy. Keeping your Codebase Evergreen🌲
Building a system that Junior Developers can be productive in
Domain Events and Event Sourcing go hand in hand? Not Exactly!
Exceptionless: Getting Started | ASP.NET MVC
Do Microservices require Containers/Docker/Kubernetes?
Building a Webhooks System
ASP.NET Core MVC Attribute Routing
Just store UTC? Handling Time Zones & Daylight Saving
Multi-tenant Architecture for SaaS
Unlock The Key To Domain-Driven Design
Event Sourcing do's and don'ts
API Error Messages for a GOOD Developer Experience
REST APIs for Microservices? Beware!
Event Sourcing Example & Explained in plain English
Beware! Anti-patterns in Event-Driven Architecture
Feature Flags are more than just Toggles
Message Ordering in Pub/Sub or Queue
Good API Design leads to better Rate Limiting
Darkside of Event-Driven Architecture
Did we learn anything from Microservices? (Part 1)
Async workflows
STOP dogmatic Domain Driven Design
Leaking Value Objects from your Domain
Optimistic Concurrency in an HTTP API with ETags & Hypermedia