107 тысяч подписчиков
421 видео
Camouflage simulation using the Genetic Algorithm
170 - AutoKeras for structured data classification using the Wisconsin breast cancer data set
96 - What is Gaussian Denoising Filter?
98 - What is bilateral denoising filter?
How to get started with Data Science and Machine Learning
Loading Kaggle data directly into Google Colab
173 - Intersection over Union (IoU) for semantic segmentation
42 - Introduction to Seaborn Plotting in Python
Python tips and tricks - 6: Fixing generic_utils error while importing segmentation models library
323 - How to train a chatbot on your own documents?
324 - Chat-based data analysis using openAI and pandasAI
183 - OCR in python using keras-ocr
305 - What is Cellpose algorithm for segmentation?
328 - smFISH Analysis using Big FISH library in python
25 - Reading Images, Splitting Channels, Resizing using openCV in Python
This is the proper way to get started with python
31 - A few ways to read and write csv files in Python
52b - Understanding Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) using 1D, 2D, and 3D examples
50 - What is k-means clustering and how to code it in Python?
67b - Feature based image segmentation using traditional machine learning. (Multi-training images)
287 - Tracking particles and objects using Trackpy in python
33 - Grain size analysis in Python using watershed
146 - Raspberry Pi - Learning python and deep learning on a tight budget
263 - Object localization in images using GAP layer
88 - Applications of Autoencoders - Anomaly Detection
267 - Processing whole slide images (as tiles)
45 - Linear regression using Sci-Kit Learn in Python
47 - Multiple Linear Regression with SciKit-Learn in Python
296 - Converting keras trained model to ONNX format - Image Classification example
341 - Sholl Analysis using python coding
339 - Surrogate Optimization explained using simple python code
340 - Comparing Top Large Language Models for Python Code Generation
338 - Understanding the Benfords Law of Probability
18 - Image processing using pillow in Python
276 - Grain segmentation using less than 10 lines of code in python
182 - How to batch process multiple images in python?
Python tips and tricks - 5: Extracting patches from large images and masks for semantic segmentation
307 - Segment your images in python without training using Segment Anything Model (SAM)
Tips Tricks 20 - Understanding transfer learning for different size and channel inputs
49 - Logistic Regression using scikit-learn in Python
95 - What is digital image filtering and image convolution?
317 - HyperParameter Optimization using Genetic algorithms
169 - Deep Learning made easy with AutoKeras
315 - Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
150 - Warning about keras' data augmentation when working with categorical labels
12 - Python Recap of lists and numpy arrays
79 - What is Docker?
163 - An introduction to time series forecasting - Part 3 Using ARIMA in python
280 - Custom object segmentation using StarDist library in python
92 - Autoencoders using transfer learning - Image colorization
Exploring Metadata in Scientific Images