2499 тысяч подписчиков
360 видео
April Fool's! Teacher + students pull off the ultimate prank.
Algebra - Completing the square
Algebra - Pythagorean Theorem
Algebra - Quadratic Functions (Parabolas)
Algebra - Solving Systems of Equations - Elimination Method
Algebra 2 - Exponents
Algebra - Quadratic Formula
Algebra 2 - Solving Polynomial Equations
Algebra 2 - Properties of Logarithms
Algebra 2 - Complex Numbers
Algebra - More on Factoring Trinomials
Algebra 2 - Exponential Equations and Intro to Logs
Algebra - FOIL Multiplying Binomials
Algebra 2 - Quadratic Functions
Get Yay Math's Geometry curriculum
Geometry - 45-45-90 Special Right Triangles
Geometry - 45-45-90 Triangles
Geometry - Isosceles triangles, practice and proof
YAY MATH - Surfin' dude
Algebra 2 – Analyzing Quadratic Functions (part 1)
Algebra 2 – Proof by Mathematical Induction
Algebra 2 – Roots and Zeros (part 1)
Perimeter, the easy way
Algebra - Solving Compound Inequalities
Algebra 2 - Solving 3 equations having 3 variables
Algebra 2 - Rational Exponents
Algebra - Solving Multi-Step Equations
Algebra 2 - Dividing Polynomials
Algebra - Absolute Value Equations
Geometry – Surface Area and Volume of Spheres