82 тысяч подписчиков
392 видео
(In Hindi) What is Hybrid Framework
Actions Class - KeyBoard Operations in Selenium
How to handle StaleElementReferenceException in Selenium
How to convert a Maven Project to Cucumber Project
A very common but frustrating mistake while using @Test in TestNG
(In Hindi) Chrome Browser 111 version issue resolved in Selenium 4.8.2
Multiple Scenarios in a feature file (BDD Cucumber)
Pushing code to Master and deleting git hidden folder
How to Retry (Rerun) Failed Test Cases in TestNG
(हिंदी में)How to execute TestCases with Maven Surefire Plugin
Latest Maven Project with io.cucumber dependencies
(In Hindi) What is Data Driven Framework
Las Vegas - The view from a plane at night - Brightest city in the world
How to execute test cases using Maven Surefire Plugin
(In Hindi) Read data from Excel Sheet and pass in Test Cases with help of @DataProvider annotation
(In Hindi) How to disable infobar - Chrome is being controlled by automated test software
How to determine Tooltip using Selenium
(In Hindi) How to handle irctc website alert using Selenium
(हिंदी में)SSH Key in GitHub
(हिंदी में)How to run multiple test suites in one testng.xml file
Listeners using testng.xml
(हिंदी में)How to handle StaleElementReferenceException in Selenium
Configure Selenium in IntelliJ IDEA
testng.xml file --) How to do Batch running of Tests
isDisplayed(), isEnabled(), isSelected() validations of elements in webpage using Selenium
(in Hindi) cssSelector Basic Understanding
Maven setup with Selenium on IntelliJ IDEA
Jenkins installation in Windows
include or exclude methods within testng xml file for multiple Classes
Ralfstuckert Jar file missing artifact in pom.xml file with latest Maven Archetypes
Xpath - Dynamic Xpath using starts-with and ends-with
Cucumber plugin and ANSI Console Plugin
DynamicBrowsers in Selenium using System.setProperty
(In Hindi) Remove WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); from your code
Create a job in Jenkins A simple freestyle project
Plugins - Maven Integration plugin in Jenkins
Conditional Statements - if and if..else in Python
What is git clone
FirefoxOptions in Selenium
getText() method in Selenium
(In Hindi) How to convert a Maven Project to Cucumber Project
How to disable infobar - Chrome is being controlled by automated test software
Inbuilt Functions in Python
ChromeOptions in Selenium
How to execute Selenium scripts with Brave Browser
(In Hindi) History, Features, Security Aspect, Use of Java
Parameterization using testng.xml file
Webtables in Selenium
(In Hindi) How to run Tests in parallel in TestNG
ChromeOptions for Chrome Browser Version 111.0.5563.65